Thursday, March 4, 2010

Remember !!

Rasulullah S.A.W sedang duduk bersama para sahabat, kemudian datang pemuda Arab masuk ke dalam masjid dengan menangis. Apabila Rasulullah S..A.W melihat pemuda itu menangis maka baginda pun berkata, "Wahai orang muda kenapa kamu menangis?"

Maka berkata orang muda itu, "Ya Rasulullah S.A.W, ayah saya telah meninggal dunia dan tidak ada kain kafan dan tidak ada orang yang hendak memandikannya." Lalu Rasulullah S.A.W memerintahkan Abu Bakar r.a. dan Umar r.a. ikut orang muda itu untuk melihat masalahnya. Setelah mengikut orang itu,maka Abu Bakar r.a dan Umar r.a. mendapati ayah orang muda itu telah bertukar rupa menjadi babi hitam,
maka mereka pun kembali dan memberitahu kepada Rasulullah S.A.W, "Ya Rasulullah S.A.W, kami lihat mayat ayah orang ini bertukar menjadi babi hutan yang hitam."

Kemudian RasulullahS.A.W dan para sahabat pun pergi ke rumah
orang muda dan baginda pun berdoa kepada Allah W.T, kemudian mayat itu pun tukar kepada bentuk manusia semula. Lalu Rasulullah S.A.W dan para sahabat menyembahyangkan mayat tersebut.

Apabila mayat itu hendak dikebumikan, maka sekali lagi mayat itu berubah menjadi seperti babi hutan yang hitam, maka Rasulullah S.A.W pun bertanya kepada pemuda itu, Wahai orang muda, apakah yang telah dilakukan oleh ayahmu sewaktu dia di dunia dulu?"

Berkata orang muda itu, "Sebenarnya ayahku ini tidak mahu mengerjakan solat." Kemudian Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda, "Wahai para sahabatku, lihatlah keadaan orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang. Di hari kiamat nanti akan dibangkitkan oleh Allah S.W.T seperti babi hutan yang hitam."

Di zaman Abu Bakar r.a ada seorang lelaki yang meninggal dunia dan sewaktu mereka menyembahyanginya tiba-tiba kain kafan itu bergerak. Apabila mereka membuka kain kafan itu mereka melihat ada seekor ular sedang membelit leher mayat tersebut serta memakan daging dan menghisap darah mayat. Lalu mereka cuba membunuh ular itu.

Apabila mereka cuba untuk membunuh ular itu, maka berkata ular tersebut, Laa ilaaha illallahu Muhammadu

Rasulullah, mengapakah kamu semua hendak membunuh aku? Aku tidak berdosa dan aku tidak bersalah. Allah S.W.T yang memerintahkan kepadaku supaya menyeksanya sehingga sampai hari kiamat."

Lalu para sahabat bertanya, "Apakah kesalahan yang telah dilakukan oleh mayat ini?" Berkata ular, "Dia telah melakukan tiga kesalahan, di antaranya;

> > > 1. Apabila dia mendengar azan, dia tidak mahu datang untuk sembahyang

> > > 2. Dia tidak mahu keluarkan zakat hartanya.

> > > 3. Dia tidak mahu mendengar nasihat para ulama.

> > > Maka inilah balasannya".



Doktor : Encik kena ambil 3 sudu ubat ni setiap hari.
Pesakit : Eh! tak boleh la doktor.
Doktor : Kenapa?
Pesakit : Rumah saya ada dua sudu jer.

Sumber : jenaka dot kom


Cikgu : Hasan,sambungkan 2 ayat ini menjadi satu. 'Ali menaiki basikal ke sekolah. Ali ternampak mayat.'
Hasan : Ali ternampak mayat menaiki basikal ke sekolah.

Sumber: jenaka dot kom

kelas B.I

Ayah : Apasal B.I kamu nie asyik dapat kosong jer...! Apasal hah?
Anak : Eh, ayah! Tu bukan kosong. Tadi cikgu adik dah kasi bintang banyak kat bebudak lain. Ada dapat 5 bintang la, 4 bintang la. Bila turn adik jer, bintang dah abis. Sebab tu cikgu bagi kat adik bulan.

Sumber : jenaka dot kom

Sape Hebat

Man : Bapa aku hebat. Dia polis. Semua orang takut ngan dia.
Ali : Eleh, bapa aku lagi terer. Kalau dia suruh orang tunduk, mesti orang tu tunduk.
Man : Wow! Bapa kau keja apa?
Ali : Tukang gunting rambut.

Sumber : jenaka dot kom

How to Relax Your Body

All you need to know to begin undoing what stress has been doing to you is how to systematically relax all the muscles in your body. Here is how you do it.

Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for about 15 minutes. Dim the lights. Locate a comfortable chair in which you can sit straight up with your feet on the floor. Sit comfortably in the chair. Pay close attention to how you feel as you begin. Notice any stiffness or tightness. Are there any aches or pains? Do you feel tense, frustrated, or keyed up? Pay attention to how you feel now because you are going to become more relaxed, and you need a point of comparison.

First, we will review what to do and then we will experience the relaxation exercise. The systematic muscle relaxation procedure goes as follows.

-While sitting quietly and comfortably, slowly inhale and exhale and close your eyes as you do so.
-Bend your right hand back at the wrist and briefly hold the tension. Now relax.
-Now do the same thing with the left hand. Hold the tension and now relax.
-This time tighten both hands into fists and hold the tension. Feel it spread up the arms towards the elbows. Now relax.
-Now bend both arms at the elbows and raise your hands up towards your shoulders. Tighten up the muscles in the biceps. Hold it. Now relax.
-These three exercises have used the major muscles in the arms and started them relaxing. If you don't move them around, they will continue to relax becoming more and more relaxed, and you can forget about them
-Next, turn your attention to your face. For your forehead raise your eyebrows up a far as you can and hold the tension. -Now relax.
-For your eyes, squeeze the eyelids tightly together. Hold the tension. Now relax.
-For your jaw you just bite down and clamp your teeth together. Feel the tension along the jaw. Now relax. These three exercises have started the face relaxing.
-For your neck just bend your head forward as if trying to touch your chin to your chest. Feel the tension along the back of the neck and now relax.
-For your shoulders just raise them up as high as you can and notice the tension. Now let them drop all at once and relax.
-For your chest you do two things at once. Take a deep breath and hold it while at the same time trying to touch your shoulder blades together by pulling your arms back. Hold it. Now relax.
-For your stomach you just pull in as if trying to touch your backbone with stomach. Now relax.
-For your back you arch out and away from the chair, and you can feel tension along the spine. Now relax.
-With your feet flat on the floor, press down and feel the tension spread up the back of the legs. Now relax.
-For the right thigh raise your leg up on front of you and feel the tension build. Now relax.
-Now do the same thing with the left leg and relax.
-Finally, for your feet bend your toes up as if pointing towards the ceiling and feel the tension around the feet and ankles. Once again, relax

Print these instructions to follow when offline.
Now that we have reviewed the procedure, we will practice this exercise. We will relax the muscles as we just described. By the time we are through, your body will be more relaxed. At this time your heart rate will have slowed, your blood pressure will have come down, and your breathing will have become regular and deep. The other changes mentioned will soon follow.
But, first. What is your mind doing?

Sumber :saujanaku


A man was driving down the road. He passed a traffic camera and saw it flash.

Astounded that he had been caught speeding when he was doing the speed limit, he turned around and, going even slower, he passed by the camera.

Again, he saw it flash. He couldn't believe it! So he turned and, going a snail's pace, he passed the camera.

AGAIN, he saw the camera flash. He guessed it must have a fault, and home he went.

Four weeks later he received 3 traffic fines in the mail, all for - GO ON MAKE A GUESS....



not wearing a seatbelt......

Sumber :saujanaku